Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We just landed the curve about an hour ago so we can start rotating again which is good because that's much faster than sliding. Our new projected finish is 2.5 to 3 weeks which is much earlier than what they were saying when I first got out here. So that is a big plus. It'll be good to be home for a few days. I'm not sure when August birthdays will be but hopefully I can make it and even better would be without having to leave the rig if it falls on my days off. I still can't figure out how to be able to upload images from my phone so there's no new pictures for the blog. I'll show everyone whenever I see you and clue you in to what exactly it is that I do. I've learned a whole bunch both related to my job and drilling in general. It feels good to be working and learning again. Jasper is a pretty boring town and I've gone to Walmart a few times just to get away from the rig. Other than that I haven't found much to do here. But I really like the guys at this rig and wouldn't mind following it around but that would mean being gone for 3 months at a time and then getting a month off bit we're so busy I don't think the coordinators would let me have that month off. So I'm not even gonna try it. I hope everyone is doing well.

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